
geosnap.visualize.plot_transition_matrix(gdf=None, cluster_col=None, w_type='rook', w_options=None, temporal_index='year', unit_index='geoid', permutations=0, figsize=(13, 12), n_rows=None, n_cols=None, suptitle=None, title_kwds=None, savefig=None, dpi=300, transition_model=None)[source]

Plot global and spatially-conditioned transition matrices as heatmaps.


a long-form geodataframe with columns for unit index, time index, and class value


column on the gdf containing neighborhood type labels

temporal_indexstr, optional

Column defining time and or sequencing of the long-form data. Default is “year”.

unit_indexstr, optional

Column identifying the unique id of spatial units. Default is “geoid”.

w_typestr, optional

Type of spatial weights type (“rook”, “queen”, “knn” or “kernel”) to be used for spatial structure. Default is None, if non-spatial Markov transition rates are desired.


additional options passed to a libpysal weights constructor (e.g. k for a KNN weights matrix)

permutationsint, optional

number of permutations for use in randomization based inference (the default is 0).

figsizetuple, optional

size of the resulting figure (13, 12)

n_rowsint, optional

rows in the plot; n_rows * n_cols must be >= the number of neighborhood types

n_colsint, optional

columns in the plot; n_rows * n_cols must be >= the number of neighborhood types

suptitlestr, optional

title of the figure

title_kwdsdict, optional

additional keyword options for formatting the title

savefigstr, optional

location the plot will be saved

dpiint, optional

dpi of the resulting image, default is 300

matplotlib Axes

the axes on which the plots are drawn