, state_fips=None, county_fips=None, msa_fips=None, fips=None, years='all')[source]

Extract a subset of data from the EPA EJSCREEN as a long-form geodataframe.


an instantiated DataStore object

state_fipslist or str

string or list of strings of two-digit fips codes defining states to include in the study area.

county_fipslist or str

string or list of strings of five-digit fips codes defining counties to include in the study area.

msa_fipslist or str

string or list of strings of fips codes defining MSAs to include in the study area.

fipslist or str

string or list of strings of fips codes (any length) defining census units to include in the study area.

yearsstr, optional

list of years to include in the extract. Following Census convention, years are named by the conclusion of the 5-year period. For example the 2011-2015 sample is represented as 2015. Defaults to “all” which includes every dataset available (curently 2012-2019)


long-form geodataframe with ‘year’ column representing each time period