, state_fips=None, county_fips=None, msa_fips=None, fips=None, boundary=None, years='all', constant_dollars=True, currency_year=None)[source]

Extract a subset of data from the decennial U.S. Census as a long-form geodataframe.


an instantiated DataStore object

state_fipslist or str, optional

string or list of strings of two-digit fips codes defining states to include in the study area.

county_fipslist or str, optional

string or list of strings of five-digit fips codes defining counties to include in the study area.

msa_fipslist or str, optional

string or list of strings of fips codes defining MSAs to include in the study area.

fipslist or str, optional

string or list of strings of five-digit fips codes defining counties to include in the study area.

boundarygeopandas.GeoDataFrame, optional

geodataframe that defines the total extent of the study area. This will be used to clip tracts lazily by selecting all `GeoDataFrame.representative_point()`s that intersect the boundary gdf

yearslist of ints, required

list of years to include in the study data (the default is [1990, 2000, 2010]).

constant_dollarsbool, optional

whether to standardize currency columns to constant dollars. If true, each year will be expressed in dollars set by the currency_year parameter

currency_yearint, optional

If adjusting for inflation, this parameter sets the year in which dollar values will be expressed


long-form geodataframe with ‘year’ column representing each time period